This generic and often over-romanticized term
applies to computer enthusiasts who take pleasure
in gaining access to other people’s computers
or networks. Many hackers are content with simply
breaking in and leaving their “footprints,”
which are joke applications or messages on computer
desktops. Other hackers, often referred to as
“crackers,” are more malicious,
crashing entire computer systems, stealing or
damaging confidential data, defacing Web pages,
and ultimately disrupting business. Some amateur
hackers merely locate hacking tools online and
deploy them without much understanding of how
they work or their effects.
Unaware Staff
As employees focus on their specific job duties,
they often overlook standard network security
rules. For example, they might choose passwords
that are very simple to remember so that they
can log on to their networks easily. However,
such passwords might be easy to guess or crack
by hackers using simple common sense or a widely
available password cracking software utility.
Employees can unconsciously cause other security
breaches including the accidental contraction
and spreading of computer viruses. One of the
most common ways to pick up a virus is from
a floppy disk or by downloading files from the
Internet. Employees who transport data via floppy
disks can unwittingly infect their corporate
networks with viruses they picked up from computers
in copy centers or libraries. They might not
even know if viruses are resident on their PCs.
Corporations also face the risk of infection
when employees download files, such as PowerPoint
presentations, from the Internet. Surprisingly,
companies must also be wary of human error.
Employees, whether they are computer novices
or computer savvy, can make such mistakes as
erroneously installing virus protection software
or accidentally overlooking warnings regarding
security threats.
Disgruntled Staff
Far more unsettling than the prospect of employee
error causing harm to a network is the potential
for an angry or vengeful staff member to inflict
damage. Angry employees, often those who have
been reprimanded, fired, or laid off, might
vindictively infect their corporate networks
with viruses or intentionally delete crucial
files. This group is especially dangerous because
it is usually far more aware of the network,
the value of the information within it, where
high-priority information is located, and the
safeguards protecting it.
Whether content or disgruntled, some employees
might also be curious or mischievous. Employees
known as “snoops” partake in corporate
espionage, gaining unauthorized access to confidential
data in order to provide competitors with otherwise
inaccessible information. Others are simply
satisfying their personal curiosities by accessing
private information, such as financial data,
a romantic e-mail correspondence between coworkers,
or the salary of a colleague. Some of these
activities might be relatively harmless, but
others, such as previewing private financial,
patient, or human resources data, are far more
serious, can be damaging to reputations, and
can cause financial liability for a company.